About Us
We are Your Local Republican party
As a county political party, the San Benito County Republican Party is primarily charged with representing the overall Republican brand locally, assisting local Republican candidates that the Committee endorses, increasing the number of people voting for Party-endorsed candidates by Get Out The Vote (“GOTV”) efforts, and making sure every vote for Republican Party-endorsed candidates is counted by working on election integrity, such as poll-watching and absentee vote counting.
Our Platform for San Benito Countyincludes:
- Lowering costs that hit the poor and middle class the most, such as gasoline, food, and utilities.
- Public safety with tough police and fire departments that reduce crime and keep us safe in San Benito County.
- Schools to focus on reading, writing, and math and to allow for school choice wherever possible.
- Responsible leadership in government that focuses on solving real problems such as overcrowded roads, rising crime, poorly performing schools, rising water, garbage, and other utility costs.
We are Here for You!
Republicans need to become more active in San Benito County, at the local level, and let the umbrella organizations of the California Republican Party and the Republican National Committee focus on state and federal politics. Members can be a part of all 3 organizations (as some of are), but when Members are at the table of the San Benito County Republican Party, they need to be focused on what is happening in our own back yard.
Growing Our Membership
We need you to join us at the table and get your input and help us achieve our goals.
Endorse Candidates
We publish lists of candidates and ballot measures we endorse so that San Benito County residents know they are voting for the best candidates that have our values.
Get Out the Vote
We need every Republican in San Benito County to vote. We will call, walk, staff booths, and collect ballots and increase turnout.
Election Integrity
We need to be present at the polls and during vote counting to make sure every vote is counted.
Who We Are
- There are 9,5852 registered Republicans in San Benito County
- Of the local offices that we track, 13 are held by Republicans (28 are held by Democrats, 7 are held by No party Preference, and 1 Other.
- The San Benito County Republican Party has 22 voting members.
Rob Bernosky is a chief financial officer, former Regional Vice Chair for the California Republican Party, former president of the governing board of the Hollister School District, and former Delegate to the Republican National Committee. He formerly served as a member and secretary of the Citizens' Oversight Committee for the Hollister School District. Rob is a former elected trustee of the North County Joint Union School District, and has served on numerous other boards, including the Heritage Foundation of San Benito County, a local water company, and was a member and president of the San Benito County Committee on School District Organization. Rob is married with 3 children, including 2 who are teachers in public schools and 1 in private industry.